PS3 joystick ROS driver

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The ros driver of the ps3 controller is ps3joy in the joystick_drivers package. This driver supports the original Sony handle, but there is a problem with the support of some others ps3 controllers. We have modified on the basis of ps3joy, added a script as a driver for other joysticks, the package source code address is here. Let's take Xiaoqiang as an example to demonstrate the installation steps and simple usage of this package.

installation steps

ssh enters Xiaoqiang ros workspace, compile after downloading the source code. If you have install xiaoqiang system image, you can skip this step.

cd Documents/ros/src/
git clone
cd ..
If the following error is prompted
error spnav.h no such file
First install the following package, then re-execute catkin_makee
sudo apt-get install libspnav-dev

Quick usage

After starts, it converts the data of the joystick button received by bluetooth into the standard joy msg, and publishes it in ros with /joy as the topic, that is, a file of is equivalent to two files of + joy_node. It is no longer necessary to open the joy_node node in actual use.

  1. Bind the joystick to the usb bluetooth adapter, just bind once, skip this step next time.

    Connect the joystick to the host through the usb data cable, and plug the USB bluetooth adapter into the host.

     sudo bash
     rosrun ps3joy sixpair

    At this point, you will get an output similar to following. The current and setting mac addresses are the same.

     Current Bluetooth master: 00:22:b0:d0:5a:09
     Setting master bd_addr to 00:22:b0:d0:5a:09
     # If the following error occurs
     Current Bluetooth master: 00:1b:dc:00:07:3c
     Unable to retrieve local bd_addr from `hcitool dev`.
     Please enable Bluetooth or specify an address manually.
     # Run
     hciconfig hci0 reset
     # If you run hciconfig hci0 reset error
     # Can't init device hci0: Operation not possible due to  
     # Run 
     rfkill unblock all 
     # and run 
     hciconfig hci0 reset
     # rerun
     rosrun ps3joy sixpair

    After the binding setting is completed, disconnect the handle and the usb connection of the host.

    Ctrl+D exits root mode

  2. Pair the handle with the usb Bluetooth adapter

     # Make sure the Bluetooth receiver is plugged into the host usb port
     sudo bash
     rosrun ps3joy

    The following prompt will appear normally.

     root@xiaoqiang-desktop:~# rosrun ps3joy 
     No inactivity timeout was set. (Run with --help for details.)
     Waiting for connection. Disconnect your PS3 joystick from USB and press     the pairing button.
     If the following error is prompted
     ImportError: No module named bluethooth
     Please install the following packages first, then re-run
     sudo apt-get install libbluetooth-dev
     sudo pip install PyBluez

    Press the joystick pairing button in the image below


    If the pairing is successful, the above window will output a result similar to the following.

     root@xiaoqiang-desktop:~# rosrun ps3joy 
     No inactivity timeout was set. (Run with --help for details.)
     Waiting for connection. Disconnect your PS3 joystick from USB and press the pairing button.
     Connection activated
  3. View handle output

     # Open a new window and print the button output
     rostopic echo /joy

    Normally the following similar results will appear

       seq: 297
         secs: 1488877867
         nsecs: 535818099
       frame_id: ''
     axes: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.21316899359226227, 0.0]
     buttons: [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

    As we can see that the fourth button was pressed.

  4. Start the relevant joy msg processing node

    Be careful not to start the joy_node again.

     # Take Xiaoqiang as an example. After launching the following launch file, you can remotely move Xiaoqiang.
     roslaunch turtlebot_teleop ps3fakexiaoqiang_teleop.launch

For xiaoqiang user with a joystick you can also use the joystick according to this tutorial

When step 1 is bound, if the prompt cannot find the handle device and cannot be bound, you can perform the following two steps to solve the problem: 1. Click the Bluetooth icon in the upper right corner of the system desktop to close the connected Bluetooth handle service.



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